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Pulmonary Health

Jackson Hole Pulmonary Rehabilitation

A consistent program of appropriate exercise and lifestyle modifications is the key to pulmonary health. The pulmonary health program at St. John’s Health provides progressive phases of exercise under medical supervision and education for pulmonary patients.

You may be a candidate for pulmonary rehab if you have been diagnosed with:

  • Asthma
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Bronchitis
  • Other forms of lung disease

St. John’s Health’s pulmonary health rehabilitation program is designed to provide a safe and supervised exercise environment to enhance physical function. Patients exercise as prescribed by their physician and as their condition warrants. Exercise programs are specifically designed to meet the individual patient’s needs and goals. Individualized education is provided by our expert staff of nurses, physical therapists and other health care providers.

How It Works

Our pulmonary health program consists of three important elements.

  • Cardiovascular exercise
  • Resistance and flexibility training
  • Group and/or individual education

Each exercise session includes pulse oximetry, blood pressure and perceived exertion monitoring during exercise as appropriate.

Cardiovascular exercise may include treadmill walking, bicycling and upper body cycling. Resistance training with free weights and weight machines increases functional capacity. Flexibility training is incorporated to improve posture and function. Education provided is based on diagnosis, individual needs and personal risk factors.

Pulmonary education may include:

  • Lung anatomy and physiology
  • Lung disease
  • Nutrition
  • Energy Conservation
  • Use of mucus clearing devices
  • Medications
  • Home Exercise program
  • Infection control
  • Stress Management

How to Sign Up

Please visit with your doctor to see if you are a candidate for pulmonary health. Many insurance companies will cover the cost of this program. You will need a doctor’s prescription to participate in our pulmonary health program.

Call 307.739.7628 for more information, or to set up an appointment.
