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Teton Parkies

A support group for people with Parkinson’s Disease, their families, and care partners

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) and you are eager to learn more about it, the Teton Parkies is a welcoming and helpful way to begin. Teton Parkies meet monthly. We often have guest speakers including physicians, physical and occupational therapists, and others with expertise on PD and its issues.

At monthly meetings, the group shares information and experiences related to PD. We discuss strategies for coping, treatment options, and ways to improve one’s life with PD.

Group knowledge is powerful. Everyone possesses information and perspectives that are helpful to others. We are an upbeat group and get together to have fun and enjoy each other’s company at planned outings such as walks at Emily’s Pond, dining out, and potlucks.

Newcomers are welcome and encouraged to reach out to Elizabeth Gerhard for more information: 614-271-7012 or
