
Loss of Limb Recovery in Jackson, WY

You may benefit from inpatient rehabilitation services at St. John’s Health if you have lost a limb from surgery, infection, trauma, or circulatory conditions.

Rehabilitation services can address:

  • Swelling or pain
  • Inability or difficulty walking
  • Sensory deficiency
  • Post-surgical infection
  • Diminished ability to perform self-care tasks

Our Goals

The interdisciplinary team will assist the patient in becoming more independent in their daily living activities, including dressing, walking, bathing, personal hygiene, and leisure activities.

Specific goals may include:

  • Lessening or preventing any complications which could affect the recovery and rehabilitative process
  • Evaluating and recommending prostheses or adaptive equipment appropriate for the individual’s needs
  • Minimizing functional limitation by instruction of compensation techniques to facilitate greater independence in activities of daily living

Our Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility in Jackson, WY is now open. Call (307) 739-4917 to learn more.

Patient and Family Participation

The patient becomes an active participant in learning techniques to manage their condition better. Family and friends also play an important role in learning how to assist the patient in managing their condition.

Communication with the Referral Source

The therapy staff is experienced in working with physicians, discharge planners, and medical case managers. Progress reports are provided as requested.

To Make a Referral

If you believe a person may benefit from our services, call (307) 739-4917. A member of our staff will assess the patient for no charge. Patients and their families may also ask their physician or health system social worker to initiate a referral. Admission is by physician’s order.