Open Accessibility Menu

In Room Amenities

Features for Guests & Patients at St. John’s

Staying at the health system is a lot easier when you have access to convenient features to feel more comfortable and pass the time. We offer our patients numerous amenities in-room at no cost. We hope to facilitate faster recovery by providing patients with a safe, relaxing atmosphere that will give patients and their guests plenty to do while staying at the health system.

Entertainment Items

  • Reading glasses (various strengths available)
  • Newspapers: Jackson Hole Daily or Jackson Hole News & Guide (available on Wednesday morning)
  • Playing cards
  • Coloring book: adult or child
  • Comfort Audio Duett Personal Amplifier (for hearing impaired)

Comfort Items

  • Warm compress
  • Ice pack
  • Warm blanket
  • Extra pillow

Complementary Care Services

  • Spiritual Care visit

Personal Hygiene Items

  • Hand sanitizer
  • Facial tissues
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Contact lens case and saline

If you need an item that is not included, please contact our guest services team at 307-739-4991, Monday–Friday, 8 am–4:00 pm. After hours, please leave a message and we will return your call the next business day. For urgent requests, contact your care team.