Sage Living Invites Participants and Volunteers for new Arts and Music Programs

Sage Living Invites Participants and Volunteers for new Arts and Music Programs

Sage Living at St. John’s Health is pleased to announce new Arts and Music workshops for Jackson Hole community residents age 65 and better. The program is made possible through the contributions of Sage Living and a grant from the WY Department of Health Aging Division through the Wyoming Arts Council. The first of two sessions starts in January and meets weekly for eight weeks, culminating in a combined Art and Music showcase on March 3 at Sage Living.

Each gathering of the 8-week Art Program will include a short educational lesson detailing art history with relevant works followed by art making using a variety of expressive mediums. Under the direction of Art Therapist Leann Dzemske, the Art Program will meet on Sundays, from January 7 through February 25, from 2:30-3:30 pm at Sage Living.

Each gathering of the 8-week Music Program will center around learning how to play the harmonica, with a goal of being able to play songs by course’s end alongside guest professional players. Harmonica is included. Under the direction of St. John’s Health Music Therapist Hilary Camino, the Music Program will meet on Thursdays, from January 11 through February 29, from 3:30-5:00 pm at Sage Living.

Space for participants is limited.

To RSVP, contact Beth Furlong, RN, at 920-918-4315 or

Anyone interested in volunteering should contact the St. John’s Health Volunteer Office at 307-739-7541 or


Media Contact: Karen Connelly, Chief Communications Officer,