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The Importance of Preventative Care for Men

The Importance of Preventative Care for Men

Take Charge of Your Health With Preventative Care

There is a common sentiment that men dislike going to the doctor and refuse to go, even when they're feeling under the weather. However, being proactive about your health is essential when it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle.

Health Screenings for Every Man

Heart Disease

Heart disease is the number one leading cause of death for men in the United States, being responsible for 1 in 4 deaths of American men each year. Unfortunately, more than half of the men who die of heart disease showed no warning signs or symptoms before experiencing a cardiac event—making routine cardiovascular health screenings a necessity.


Some screenings that can help doctors get a better view of your cardiovascular health include:

  • Regular blood pressure readings
  • Blood testing for cholesterol, lipid, and triglyceride levels
  • One-time screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm

Type 2 Diabetes

Men are at a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes at a lower body weight than women. This is believed to be because of the difference in weight distribution as men tend to carry their weight in their abdomens. The following tests can be done to determine whether or not you have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes:

  • A1C test
  • Fasting blood sugar test
  • Glucose tolerance test
  • Random blood sugar test

Because men are less likely to be properly diagnosed and treated for this chronic health condition, they are more prone to experiencing the following diabetes-related health conditions:

  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Vision loss
  • Kidney failure
  • Amputation
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Male incontinence
  • Retrograde ejaculation

Prostate Cancer

About 13% of American men will develop prostate cancer, and about 65% of these men will die from it. Like most forms of cancer, early detection of prostate cancer is key when it comes to the effectiveness of treatment. Men between the ages of 55 and 70 should have a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test every 2 or 3 years, depending on their individual risk factors.

Colorectal Cancer

Aside from skin cancer, colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed form of cancer for men in the United States, with about 1 in 23 men developing it at some point during their lifetime.

Fortunately, this risk can be effectively reduced by getting routine screenings. It is recommended that men between the ages of 50 and 75 should get tested for colorectal cancer with at least one of the following methods:

  • Fecal occult blood test (annually)
  • Flexible sigmoidoscopy (every 5 years)
  • Colonoscopy (every 10 years)

Keep in mind that there are a number of factors that may increase your risk for developing any of these chronic health conditions. If you don’t know how often you should be tested, reach out to your primary care physician to help create a screening schedule specific to you and your health needs.

Family Care in Jackson, Wilson, and Teton County

From family medicine to internal medicine, our Primary Care Providers (PCP) are here to openly listen to your concerns and work with you to achieve overall better health and wellness. Visit our website to see the types of primary care we provide or to find a doctor, today!