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How to Perform a Self Skin Check

How to Perform a Self Skin Check

Properly Performing a Self Skin Check

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. And like most forms of cancer, early detection is key when it comes to the effectiveness and success of treatment.

.In light of Skin cancer Prevention & Detection Month, the health experts at St. John’s are here to teach you how to properly perform a self skin check at home.

Use More than One Mirror

When checking your body over for any skin changes or causes for concern, it is advised that you use both a full-length mirror and a hand-held mirror. Having a full-length mirror will allow you to see the entirety of the front of your body, while having the second smaller mirror can help you to check areas of your body that are harder to reach.

Be As Thorough As Possible

Although there are many parts of your body that you don’t see regularly, that doesn’t mean that they can’t be affected by skin cancer. When looking your skin over, be sure to check these easily missed places:

  • Between your fingers and toes
  • Behind your knee
  • Behind your ears
  • Your neck
  • Your back
  • Your buttocks
  • Your scalp
  • The bottoms of your feet
  • Your palms

Look Out for the ABCDEs

When performing your self skin check, remember the ABCDEs of melanoma:

  • Asymmetrical moles.
  • Moles with an irregularly shaped border.
  • Variations in color. Skin abnormalities may be black, blue, dark brown, tan, or white.
  • Moles with a diameter larger than the size of a pencil eraser.
  • Spots that evolve over time, changing in shape or size.

If you notice any changes or abnormalities when performing a skin check, be sure to reach out to your primary care doctor and get it looked at by a medical professional.

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