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Fast Facts about Staying Hydrated

Fast Facts about Staying Hydrated

Fun Facts about Hydration

With Jackson, Wyoming being such an active community, most of us are no stranger to the importance of drinking enough water. As we continue to hit the slopes and venture out into the snow for winter activities, here are a few fun facts about hydration to keep in your back pocket!

You Can Boost Your Water Intake From the Foods You Eat

Whether you’ve got a little one who isn’t too keen on drinking water or you find it difficult to commit to drinking eight 8-ounce glasses each day, you’ll be pleased to find out that you can up your water intake while you eat. There are plenty of fruits and vegetables that are chock full of water that help to keep you hydrated.

Some hydrating foods to add to your diet include:

  • Bell peppers
  • Cantaloupe
  • Cauliflower
  • Celery
  • Cucumbers
  • Lettuce
  • Oranges
  • Peaches
  • Strawberries
  • Tomatoes
  • Watermelon

Your Urine is an Indicator of Your Hydration Levels

You’ve probably noticed that when you go to the restroom, your urine can vary in color from transparent to amber. But did you know this is a direct correlation with how hydrated or dehydrated you may be?


Keep this guide in mind the next time you go to relieve yourself to measure your hydration levels:

  • Transparent: You’re overly hydrated and can cut back on your water intake for a bit.
  • Lemonade-colored: You are adequately hydrated. This is the optimal color.
  • Beer-colored: You’re still properly hydrated.
  • Amber: You’re mildly dehydrated and should try to work more water into your day.
  • Burnt orange: You are moderately to severely dehydrated. Opt for water and sports drinks to replenish your electrolytes.

It’s Possible to Drink Too Much Water

Although it is very uncommon, it is possible to drink too much water. When you drink too much water, it can cause an imbalance in your body’s water to sodium ratio. This condition is called hyponatremia. When your body’s sodium levels are too low, it can lead to kidney disease, liver cirrhosis, and even heart failure.

Family Care in Jackson, Wilson, and Teton County

From family medicine to internal medicine, our Primary Care Providers (PCP) are here to openly listen to your concerns and work with you to achieve overall better health and wellness. Visit our website to see the types of primary care we provide or to find a doctor, today!