What Arthritis Means For Your Joints

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  • Written By: St. John's Medical Center
What Arthritis Means For Your Joints

Though arthritis is well known, it's far more complicated than most people realize. According to arthritis.org, there are over 100 different forms of arthritis and related diseases — all of which can cause various kinds of pain.

Jackson residents know that our hometown offers a lot of chances to be active— so you shouldn't let arthritis get in the way of that. Understanding the type of arthritis you have, and how it can affect your body is the first step in ensuring you can properly treat the issue head-on. To prevent further damage to your joints, here’s what you need to know:

Identifying Arthritis Pain

The best way to correctly pinpoint the type of arthritis you have is by telling your doctor about every symptom you are experiencing. Do you have stiffness, pain, warmth, and redness around the joint? Where is it the swelling occurring? How long does it last for? All these questions can help identify the difference between RA, OA, or psoriatic arthritis — all of which can progress differently, changing the course of the treatment you may need. These types are just some of the forms of inflammatory arthritis.

What is Inflammatory Arthritis?

Inflammatory Arthritis is a term used for conditions that cause pain, swelling, tenderness, and warmth, and morning stiffness in the joints. With these types of arthritis, your immune system attacks your joints, leading to pain.

Your joint pain could be classified into two categories:

Acute Pain: Temporary pain that is often the result of disease or injury. It can also be pain that comes and goes. It’s often sharp or throbbing and improves with treatment to the cause. Ignoring acute pain can lead to chronic pain.

Chronic Pain: If you are experiencing achy, throbbing or dull pain for three or more months, your condition is chronic. It’s not always easy to find the source of chronic pain, and even after the issue is fixed, pain can still occur.

If you believe you are experiencing inflammatory joint pain, early diagnosis is critical. The earlier treatment begins, the less damage and pain you may have.

Prevention is another must. With a healthy weight, being mindful of your posture, and staying active, you can do your part in better joint health.

Living With Joint Pain in Jackson, WY?

Talk to one of the providers with St. John’s Joint & Spine Center to learn about treatment options, and find what works best for you, so you can have a faster recovery.